Why actresses the caliber of Kathy Bates and Christina Hendricks agreed to appear in such a nastily misogynistic picture is as baffling as how director Mark Waters (The House of Yes, Mean Girls) and screenwriter Shauna Cross (Whip It, What to Expect When You're Expecting) could create such an excrescence. I should say that I’ve got nothing against flagrantly politically incorrect humor as long as it’s funny. But I only laughed once watching Bad Santa 2, which makes the laugh-to-cringe ratio about 1 to 22.
I’m not sure if the original picture actually was funnier or if a film of this ilk just seemed appealingly daring and outlandish in 2003, whereas this year it seems played-out and hardly any different from what we hear on the news and read on social media every day. Either way, this is yet another sequel fans of the original should simply avoid.