Almost all anthology films are uneven, but this is one that fails to achieve even that middling description. Only two of the episodes, A Week In My Life directed by Mipo Oh, and Unspoken directed by Maria Sole Tognazzi, fully succeed in what they set out to do. A Week In My Life tracks the mundane yet high-stress life of a working single mother of two, and the small joys that make her efforts and sacrifices worthwhile. Unspoken, about a veterinarian juggling work and family commitments who treats a wounded dog and senses that the woman who brought the pet in for treatment might be the one who needs the real help, is the type of film I could see being nominated for the Best Live-Action Short Oscar. The rest barely qualify as "media" let alone "cinema." We Do It Together has an impressive advisory board of major power players, but if they're serious about their stated mission, this is a really inauspicious calling card.